
Dolcevita BBQ cooks with gas only and with its barbecues ensures a combination of healthy and clean cooking, simplicity in using the barbecue and respect for the classic barbecue flavour.

Direct gas cooking

Cottura_diretta.jpgThe food is placed on the racks and griddles heated by the burners that are on.
Thanks to the gas adjustment knobs, the user can keep the temperature of the griddles under control to easily prevent the meat from charring.
Meat and vegetables retain all their properties, the fat falls onto the domes or onto the lava rock and returns to the food in the form of steam to give the meat irresistible flavour and aroma.
The excess fat falls into the drip tray.

Indirect cooking 

Cottura_indiretta.jpgFood is indirectly cooked with only the side burners on, while the central burners remain off. The hot air rises from the burners that are turned on by and circulates around the food so it cooks completely without charring on the outside. This method is ideal for high cuts of meat, chicken and whole fish, as well as for pizzas, cakes, baked pasta, etc.

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